All of our services are offered in integrative, custom-designed packages. To learn more of the scope of what we offer within our work, see below.

Our Suite of Add-On Services

  • We offer ultrasound-guided injections utilizing ozone, prolotherapy, and optional peptides. We can also inject PRP and exosomes. All injections are recommended based on injury, severity, and duration. Our injection courses are typically one per week for four weeks prior to symptom review.

  • Our suite of IVs is extensive, and ultimately we can make any cocktail we desire. That said, the way we do IVs is different: scientifically dosed according to efficacy, and administered over a timeframe in which your body can absorb the nutrients. These IVs are powerful therapies that you can feel as they work. Our typically recommended cadence is once per month (hence our inclusion in our All-Inclusive Protocol of one complementary monthly infusion).

  • Plasmapheresis, Plasma Infusions and Injections, Stem Cells, PRP and more. The latest in youthful and regenerative technology is available from our medical team.

  • Our suite of potential dermatology procedures dovetails with our foundational Sofwave™ and AnteAGE™ protocols. We can administer fillers, botox, vampire facials, and more - depending on your desires, and a rounded approach to your wellbeing. We can also recommend at-home peptide injection therapies that enhance and improve all dermatology and aesthetic procedures.